Sunday, March 15, 2020

I don't know how to feel

As everyone knows there is a global crisis going on. On Wednesday I mentioned that I wasn't sure of what was going to happen with this virus but I did not expect it to escalate this quickly. It turns out they even cancelled school for us. I am going to be completely honest, I don't even know how to feel and I just keep thinking of how this could affect my project.

My mom is going crazy. Every time I cough she gets all worried and she wants us to go on quarantine to make sure we are fine. I understand why she is worried, her job is to make sure we are always okay and this virus is extremely contagious. The problem with being locked up in my house is that I have no idea how I am going to shoot my opening film in the next week. If they make everyone be on house arrest, like they have done in many places, I don't know what I will do. I am totally freaking out over this and I can't even go to class to express how I feel to my teacher because they literally cancelled school for I don't know how long. Lets see what happens.


1 comment:

  1. Corina - I know that everything is a bit confusing right now. Just keep blogging about topics associated with your project and try to film when you can. If you must change your idea, do so. Adaptation is key right now.
