Saturday, February 15, 2020

The beginning: Genre

It is finally the time to start working on our AICE Media Studies portfolio project. My mind has been running on what I’m going to do all year long, somehow it’s been so hard to come up with something. To begin deciding what I’m going to do it is best if I start by choosing a genre. It sounds so easy yet it is not. Which one should I do? Horror? Coming of age? Comedy? Romance? Action? 

After sitting down and brainstorming in my room I decided what genre I wanted to do. I finally chose to work with drama. This has been a genre that I’ve always been really appealed towards and I work best with. Drama is an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances. Drama film is a genre in which realistic characters depend on emotional and relational growth. Although they rely heavily on this type of development, dramatic themes often play a significant role in the story. These themes are often drawn from serious, real-life problems. Either heroes or heroines face an external conflict within themselves. Drama films aim to tell a truthful story of human struggles. Usually women aged 17-50 are the main audience for drama. However, because of the material drama genres cover and its range of characters and various plotlines, it has a broader target audience than some genres such as teen movies. 

Films examples: 
-Lady Bird (2017)
-Moonlight (2016)
-Roma (2018)
-A Star is Born (2018)
-Schindler's List (1993)
-Pulp Fiction (1994)
-The Godfather (1972)
-The Help (2011)

I am really excited to begin this journey, it means so much more than just a grade to me. I want it to be something I will be proud of and show to all my friends and family with confidence. I hope this opening film won’t only be a success but an opportunity to grow my love for media EVEN more. 


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